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Pro Tools HD vs. MOTU HD

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Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 05/02/2008 - 15:37

Hi, I was wondering, what's the difference between the Pro Tools HD system and the MOTU HD system, assuming were lloking at the 192 interfaces, why is MOTU su much cheaper, are the converters in the Pro Tools interface better, is the Pro Tools system better at signal processing? What's the deal?


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UncleBob58 wrote: Pro Tools HD systems provide their own processing power for plug-ins, whereas MOTU systems are primarily native systems.

I'm pretty sure that's not the case in this case. The motu HD comes with a processing card. How that works with other DAW's I'm not sure. But Motu has it's own DAW program that seems to utilize this card.

Sat, 05/03/2008 - 11:30 Permalink
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Probably the biggest difference between the MOTU HD and ProTools HD is the ProTools HD card has 9 DSP chips for plugin processing power.

Now if you're just talking about the Digi. 192 A/D converter compared to the MOTU, you can buy the MOTU which comes with the pci card for the price of the Digidesign 192 i/o alone. So you would still need to spend another eight grand on the PT HD card.

Mon, 05/05/2008 - 11:04 Permalink
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well, I've been asking and wondering around exactly for that, cause I cannot afford a Pro tools HD system as I need it, which is with a lot of analog outputs, so the Motu HD is the option, I've find out that the motu hd192 is not as good as the PT192 (eventhough a lot of engineers complain about this PT expensive cards, and claim that the Aurora's are much better sounding and cheaper) anyway, the point is that I've found out that the apparent reason for PT 192 to be over Motu 192 is the clock... so the tip is to get a great master clock and use it with the motu 192 system and it would be a lot closer to the PT HD sound... as I been told anyway,

and I actually will get it soon, I hate not working with protools at the front end while I mix, but I mix OTB anyway so... I hope it works

Sun, 05/11/2008 - 18:35 Permalink