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Pro Tools Troubleshooting Help Needed: Odd errors

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hey fellow PT users. Ran into a most unsightly bug yesterday. Mid-session no less. Haven't heard back from Digi Tech Support yet, so perhaps some of you can help.

B/g info

Pro Tools LE/001

G4 800 MHz

512 RAM

1) DAE froze up, error -199. Pro Tools wouldn't start up anymore. Had to reinstall Pro Tools.

2) After re-install, PT would open, but not any sessions. Runs through all the fades & files before saying "Fic Object Nil While Translating Tracks". I've never come across such a message before.

I've reinstalled Pro Tools twice more, run Norton programs, checked to make sure my 001 PCI card is firmly in place, confirmed all extensions and memory allocations are correct. But still can't open a session.

Somebody please help, as its costing me precious recording time with this band right now.



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mike, ugly situation! i'm running LE too and have had my fair share of wierd errors etc., but i'm pretty new to the software so the best i could suggest if digidesign is taking it's time (been there!) is to search that error in their answerbase database on digi website. it's helped me a couple of times... good luck!

(and i'm sorry, i know you're probably really frustrated at the moment, hope u can see the humor here, but i can't resist... it's actually mildly gratifying to see weird stuff happening with PTLE on a MAC too!! :p )

Thu, 08/21/2003 - 22:37 Permalink
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hi Mike,

sounds a bummer, I havent seen that one and used PT for years, my guess would be leaning towards a hardware issue, reseat all cards, ram(even remove some to check it).I am on a mac.

mail me if you cant fix this and I will try to help as much as possible.

I usually set up my HD from scratch, authorize all my plugs and then boot from a cd, copy my system folder to another HD and then if I ever have a hassle, re initialize the drive , copy back the working setup and off you go.

if something doesnt work you will know its hardware.

The entire re-setup only takes about 10 minutes.

Its just a future hint that may help you.


Thu, 09/04/2003 - 00:23 Permalink