I have Cubase SX 2.2.0 Build 35 working on:
Asus P4P800 SE
Intel Pentium 4 3000 Hyper Threading with 1 MB Cache (Prescott)
with a CPU Temperature about 48C / 118F
Kingston 512MB DDR ECC -> error correction
With the Hyper Threading ON, i have problems on Cubase like:
some Tracks dont play
Computer freezes when I'm working on cubase
i would like to know if there are more people with this errors
Hey Gabriel I have a MAC G5 running same ver of cubase. I have
Hey Gabriel
I have a MAC G5 running same ver of cubase. I have not had any prooblems, however i am still a newbie on the mac and cbase
here is howver a great forum for cubase that probably has an answer for you
plus the people there are quite responsive and the steinberg company ,monitors the forum and helps out too