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Can somebody exaplain why can't I import .wav audio files into my sessions? There seems to be a problem with this .wav's, I cant open .wav files in drumagog either.

what must I do?

thank you

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Kev Tue, 12/20/2005 - 12:54

I may need a little more info

could be a stereo mono thing ??

I'll make an ASSUMPTION and jump to a specific idea
one should never assume
you are on a Mac ... you have recorded B-WAV files.

I have found that many programs are not happy with the PT method of tagging a WAV file.
why does PT use a PT icon on a Mono file when PT doesn't play the file when you accidentaly double click on it .... mmmm ?
damed digidesign ... it never used to be like that back at PT4 and 4.3

Use Quicktime Pro to open the file then save as or export the file as a new wav with a new name
now you have a Quicktime WAV and things like Toast and FCP and others ... I-Tunes seems to be happier with the files

frustrating isin't it ?

On the PC Win Media Player also doesn't like a PT WAV file so try a similar save / export trick.

that's all I got for now.