I'm running a rewired Reason 4 instance through Pro Tools M-Powered 8 to use the Reason 4 instruments. On this current project, I'm only using one Reason instrument (ReDrum) but I want to add more and use the Pro Tool effects on each on the tracks individually. Here's how it's set up currently.
Pro Tools Aux Track with Reason insert
Reason Rewire running ReDrum to the "Hardware Interface"
Instrument Track going out to Redrum
Instrument Track 2 going out to Redrum
The problem is, I can only apply Pro Tools VSTI effects to the aux track to make them usable. If I want to use more than one instrument and use Pro Tools effects, I can't apply them to the induvidual Reason instruments. How should I go about correcting this?
You can't as far as I know. Reason being(pun intended), it' runn
You can't as far as I know. Reason being(pun intended), it' running in rewire, so it's not actually running in ProTools natively. You might be able to apply a plugin to Reason as a whole. Other than that, you can only use the effects within reason. You could render the individual instruments to tracks though. I may be way off here. Installed Reason adapted for about 10 minutes then uninstalled it. I'm not particularly fond of it and Boom has all the pattern based beats I could want.
Solved it. I got rid of the aux track and used 2 instrument trac
Solved it. I got rid of the aux track and used 2 instrument tracks and used an insert for Reason on both of them. One I left the Rewire as "Mix L - Mix R", the other I used "Channel 3 - Channel 4". Then, I simply created my instruments in Reason, sent them to Pro Tools, and used those instruments as MIDI outs on the original 2 instrument tracks. There's no messing with an aux track involved. That way is very inneficient.
I understand I could use Boom but I was curious as to how rewire worked with Reason and I liked the drum samples I had setup in Reason.