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Rendering with Cubase 6

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Submitted by ChrisH on

Hi everyone,

So I have a few mix's finalized that sound great when I listen to them in Cubase but then when I render them, they gain noise, and loose definition.

What's happening that's making them sound different from how they sound in Cubase?

I'm rendering them MP3 format in 231 kBit, what should I do different so they sound the same as in Cubase, and what the best way to render?


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ChrisH, post: 392419 wrote: Can you elaborate on why you always render to 16 bit 41.1 kHz and not a 32 bit float and a higher kHz?

Because there is not a cd player, media player in existence that plays files that are rendered otherwise. There may be one but 99% of people have your standard MS Media Player or iTunes which rely on cd standard which happens to be 16 bit 44.1kHz.

Tue, 08/14/2012 - 19:30 Permalink
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When releasing for video, 16 bit at 48 kHz is the de facto standard. Today's newer digital systems are allowing for up to 24-bit audio for television, DVD's, blue Ray, streaming video. And all with the help of Ray Dolby and his not so awful compression codecs. So either way, be it high definition anything, it's all highly compressed. Only full-blown high dollar professional equipment is designed to handle completely uncompressed high definition everything. Which is another reason why some of us horrendously practical and highly experienced engineers, have no problems still relying upon 44.1 kHz sampling at 16-bit dynamic range and resolution. That's what everybody is listening to. That and compressed. But perhaps in 2000 years when your recordings and mine are unearthed... scientific investigation may establish that there was more data on your disk than on my disk. But for now and probably in the future, it's going to be how many tunes you can cram onto your personal player. And we know that poverty and hunger will never cease and neither will compression algorithms.

High definition what?

Mx. Remy Ann David

Tue, 08/14/2012 - 23:18 Permalink