Ok, I need some ideas for organizing and tracking sessions in 2010. I used to use Apogee session tools but over the years (like 20 it seems) it's just become outdated. I've realized now that I have like 10 different programs keeping track of sessions, now I need something to pull it all together in a way that makes sense for todays sessions,
Calendar, invoicing, payments, emails, files, shipping... basically something that pulls all the info into some kind of usable format. Maybe it "starts" a session with a calendar entry, this automatically creates a "session". I can then somehow link or it's a smart folder that consolidates all of the info for that session into one place.
What are some of you using, either mac or PC? Plus'-minus'?
I'm not busy like you so Quickbooks 2010 does most of what I nee
I'm not busy like you so Quickbooks 2010 does most of what I need. Many piano techs and instrument repair techs use Shop Tracker Pro.
Paper (analog). Although I have to admit that over the years, I
Paper (analog). Although I have to admit that over the years, I've always wanted to print up a "job sheet" to my own specs - But my own specs change so frequently that I've never actually nailed it down.
We bought Filemaker Pro and created our own database program to
We bought Filemaker Pro and created our own database program to do what we needed it to do and modified it as things changed.
Mostly for linking client databases with invoices, and for automating writing invoices to reduce math errors. (it's gotten quite complicated and detailed over the past 15 years)
That's what Apogee session tools is, a customized filemaker pro
That's what Apogee session tools is, a customized filemaker pro database. the problem is that it doesn't search outside of itself and I can't pull or share info with anything other than itself.
You could try to create your own version with either Access or a
You could try to create your own version with either Access or a less proprietary version of Filemaker Pro. The raw program is very powerful (Filemaker Pro). It's used as the basis for many many database commodities. I believe there is a database component of Open Office as well.