Hello All:
I've noticed that commercial productions have a much more squashed low-end dynamic range than my own recordings.
I'm assuming some side-chain bass compression on the master fader is a possible solution. The Digi Design Compressor/Limiter Dyn 3 will allow me side-chain processing of selective frequencies. I don't see anything in my Waves plugins that will do that.
Is anyone aware of any commercial standards for side-chain compression of the low frequencies?
In other words, what is a desirable dynamic dB range for the low frequencies & roughly what frequency range should be treated? I realize there is no one magic number for all recordings. I'm just looking for ballpark suggestions.
Thanks in advance,
there isn't any commercial standard. It's always best to tackle
there isn't any commercial standard. It's always best to tackle this during the mix if you find your low end to be out of control.
Thanks Michael, I was beginning to suspect the only solution wa
Thanks Michael,
I was beginning to suspect the only solution was going to be re-visiting the mix. You know how it is though, when you think you're close to the end, you hate to go back to square one.
Oh well, back to the drawing board (sigh)...
Yep, but save the mix you have just in case. This is how you l
Yep, but save the mix you have just in case.
This is how you learn to mix though. You do your best, then listen and see where you ended up. then you do it again and hopefully you move it up a notch. It's frustrating but that's life. The more you get right in the earlier stages, the less compromise you have in the mastering stage.