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Superior Drummer 2 and Pro Tools track routing - Help!

Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 02/07/2010 - 09:57

For the life of me I cannot get my output tracks from SD2 onto individual instrument audio tracks in PT LE 7.4. I have a midi track with note info routed to SD2 on an audio track, which I can monitor. Problem is, I am trying to route each instrument, eg. bass drum, snare, etc to a separate track and it is not working.

First, when I go to monitor SD with an additional PT audio or aux track, I can see an input under plugins for "superior drummer multi out - superior drum monitor -- insert A" and then and arrow and a drop down with "S2 to S16". Ok, good so far, except the bass drums are on S1 -- output 1 in SD. Whatever track I select, S2, S3, etc, no matter if I have an instrument assigned to that output in SD, it doesn't register in the PT track on which it is selected.

I am sure I am doing something very basic incorrectly, but I have read the entire SD manual (and a good bit of the PT manual), and I just don't see it.

Any help greatly appreciated.

