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Triggering ez drummer

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Submitted by BobbyRose23 on Tue, 02/04/2014 - 03:56

ok I will be triggering ezdrummer with an electronic set, what is a good starter set to plugin usb that I won't have too much trouble with?


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Tracking with an electronic drum is the best way to get a natural midi track that you can play with any Drum Vsti.
Thing is, latency will be your worst enemy. You may hit the drum and ear the vsti sound with a delay and that kills the performance right away.
My trick is to make the drummer hear the electric drum module while tracking (even if the quality is poor) and only record midi data without the Vsti
I use direct monitoring from my mixer and you can use a mixer to do that also.
Once I have the data (midi track), I activate my virtual drum and patch the midi output to it. Voila ! no latency asle ! ;)

Tue, 02/04/2014 - 06:11 Permalink
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While they are very convenient - for rehearsing, late night recording, great for apartment dwellers - I think that electric drums actually change the way you play. I've played real kits all my life, and there's a huge difference between them and the digital kits - bounce, action, rim strikes, ghost sticking, dynamics.... all completely different.*

I think that if you are doing straight hard stuff, or, maybe I should say tracks with a "consistent" power, then they're okay, but anything requiring any real finesse - if you have the choice - should be played with real drums.

That being said, I understand that you have what you have - make the best of it, perhaps look to programming-in some of the more subtle nuances you'd get from a real kit, and incorporate those things into the midi track.

And I agree with PC... if you are working with a PC that may be lacking in processing or ram, you should use direct monitoring as opposed to monitoring off of the DAW's Vst and facing potential latency problems.

* it's been quite some time since I last played a digital kit, and technology has grown in huge ways since, so perhaps the features that I found to be lacking then are better now.

Wed, 02/05/2014 - 10:43 Permalink