i have a portico 5032 and universal 610 and must tell u the portico totally smokes the ua.More headroom, better definition, and nice subtle coloring, real smooth sound
noisefloor? that makes no sense. U mean headroom, the portico has way more headroom, and quite as a whistle.UA has never had good headroom, nice dark color but no hr
No with all do respect, I actually do mean noise floor. From your comments I would be led to believe that the 610 has a higer noise floor. At what level of gain, and no input can you hear the noise floor?
unless u are going to track a real quite source like a violin, noise floor is not gonna be an issue on the ua, either way u r going to get more noise from ur room unless u have a perfect room with no cpu and minimum nf, that u can only find in pro studios. So dont worry about this. BGut any ways the portico is a more quiet pre do to the design
Nope. I could tell you that it should be perfectly adequate. B
I could tell you that it should be perfectly adequate.
Bill Putnam made good limiters. So how could this be bad? Go forth & purchase it.
You need at least one professional microphone preamp that sounds good.
Ms. Remy Ann David
RemyRAD wrote: Nope. I could tell you that it should be perfect
YEAH!!! That Portico box made by that Rupert whatshisname that Link bought last month is NUTHIN' compared to the UA gear... :lol:
lol- I love the portico by what's his name... Thanks remy and J
lol- I love the portico by what's his name...
Thanks remy and Jim, I am just curious. I like the concept, anyone try it out?
i have a portico 5032 and universal 610 and must tell u the port
i have a portico 5032 and universal 610 and must tell u the portico totally smokes the ua.More headroom, better definition, and nice subtle coloring, real smooth sound
Thanks for the comments. What is noise floor like in the UA 610
Thanks for the comments. What is noise floor like in the UA 610 as compared to the Portico 5032?
noisefloor? that makes no sense. U mean headroom, the portico ha
noisefloor? that makes no sense. U mean headroom, the portico has way more headroom, and quite as a whistle.UA has never had good headroom, nice dark color but no hr
No with all do respect, I actually do mean noise floor. From yo
No with all do respect, I actually do mean noise floor. From your comments I would be led to believe that the 610 has a higer noise floor. At what level of gain, and no input can you hear the noise floor?
unless u are going to track a real quite source like a violin, n
unless u are going to track a real quite source like a violin, noise floor is not gonna be an issue on the ua, either way u r going to get more noise from ur room unless u have a perfect room with no cpu and minimum nf, that u can only find in pro studios. So dont worry about this. BGut any ways the portico is a more quiet pre do to the design