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Who We Are - Sweet Marguerita (Blues Shuffle)

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Submitted by kevinwhitect on Wed, 11/09/2016 - 12:10


Now with new room treatment! :D

How does it sound?

Thanks for any/all comments.


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Man, I want to kill soundcloud right now.. the hihat is all squash and weird.. I'm sure the compression of SC is the cause..
The song was very engaging and nice and then the drums.. DA..m

I wish you would try the file upload here Kevin.. At least if your mix is like that, I'd be at peace ! ;)

I'll try to get pass this for now..

The lead vocal is still a bit roomy but in a nice way. All the other vocals are very nice.
The compression on the song is a bit jumpy and is way too much on the drum.

way to go Kev !!

Mon, 11/14/2016 - 15:48 Permalink
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OMG !!! I'm officially allergic to soundcloud !!!

Good job on the recording and mixing Kevin. . . The only thing I hear is I'm kinda pulled to the left with the stereo image.. maybe the content of the right channel doesn't hit my senses that much..
BTW I think the room treatment did a great difference.. everything sounds more focused...
Keep it up man !! ;)

Tue, 11/15/2016 - 15:19 Permalink
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pcrecord, post: 443497, member: 46460 wrote: OMG !!! I'm officially allergic to soundcloud !!!

Good job on the recording and mixing Kevin. . . The only thing I hear is I'm kinda pulled to the left with the stereo image.. maybe the content of the right channel doesn't hit my senses that much..
BTW I think the room treatment did a great difference.. everything sounds more focused...
Keep it up man !! ;)

I still think you did a better job on mixing Falling than I did.

I'm not a person who thinks that I don't know what I'm doing ...

... but I am a person who recognizes a better job than I did.

The bass guitar pulls me to the left on this also ... and thanks for your ears on this also, M.

I know I have another person I can trust with accurate sonic assessment now.

My question on latest mix is whether I brought bgvs too forward ... but vocals is "Who We Are" ... and if you're going to be a band w/ vocals?

-- don't mix the vocals down.

Tue, 11/15/2016 - 19:01 Permalink
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.... and still, my fresh morning ears thought the vocal spread was too wide. I narrowed the sound field a bit and brought everyone accordingly back a db. To me, this sound stage seems more natural w/ the placement. It's amazing the difference between morning and evening decisions. :D


Attached files Sweet Marguerita.mp3 (5 MB) 

Wed, 11/16/2016 - 07:47 Permalink
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We often go wild on panning but even do it can be a nice effect, it often sound unnatural.
A band doesn't sound like that live, unless you put the guitar player in different rooms which would be sad to Watch.. ;)
Even the hi-hat is mostly panned in an un-natural fashion by most mix engineer (even the pros)
I'm not saying everything should to center.. it'd be a mess.. But panning a few instruments 50% instead of 100% makes a world of difference.
I'll listen to your new version in the studio this evening Kevin.. I'm sure it's great ! ;)

Wed, 11/16/2016 - 08:32 Permalink