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finding a new belt for Yamaha mt2x 4 track

Submitted by part12studios on Sat, 06/09/2018 - 08:09

hi there,

I came across one of these in a music store for $15.. but it was diagnosed that it needs a new belt. I know this might not be all that's wrong with it but if that IS all that's wrong with it, I'd be willing to buy that and open it up, but my question is does anyone know where I might find a belt for it?

I know I'm not going to find "the belt" from one of these as parts are no longer made, but just wondering if there are places that might sell the various belts like this that I could try.

I see it as a learning opportunity. I've fixed some things before. serviced some gear cleaning pots and such, but knowing I can find a good belt for it would be awesome and not find myself stuck at the gate.

