Your Avatar Submitted by riconga on Sat, 03/16/2002 - 09:03 Has anyone here had a chance to compare the new AKG 451 to the original with the cardiod capsule. if so what were your impressions? I have a yen for a new pair of small diaphrams. thanks, rrrrrrrrrrr Log in or register to post comments Comments Your Avatar anonymous innerTUBE audio has a tube retrofit for the AKG 451 and 452 line innerTUBE audio has a tube retrofit for the AKG 451 and 452 line. All you need to have are the capsules. helpful? Log in or register to post comments Sat, 03/16/2002 - 09:55 Permalink
Your Avatar anonymous innerTUBE audio has a tube retrofit for the AKG 451 and 452 line innerTUBE audio has a tube retrofit for the AKG 451 and 452 line. All you need to have are the capsules. helpful? Log in or register to post comments Sat, 03/16/2002 - 09:55 Permalink
innerTUBE audio has a tube retrofit for the AKG 451 and 452 line
innerTUBE audio has a tube retrofit for the AKG 451 and 452 line. All you need to have are the capsules.