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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/26/2004 - 16:45

hi kurt and dave- have you ever thought of reviewing the abbey road preamp that Chandler offers? THis would be interesting.I dont have the number of it but this is the preamp that took over for the redd47 .Wonder what it sounds like .


wonder if it could make me sound more like sir paul

If you look at the back of the TG-2 it has the "sir paul" button, and if you press that you will sound like him!!
But be carefull you might start thinking that you are the real sir paul...

I think that the "sir paul" button is an extra feature that you have to ask for when they build one for you.

Happy hunting 8-)

Best Regards

Fri, 08/27/2004 - 02:35 Permalink


No, I haven't tried the di. For the most part, I'll di a bass (if I have an extra channel not doing anything), but I don't think I've ever recorded guitar through anything but a mic on an amp.
I'm working on a project right now where I recorded the electric with a 414 on a fender blues jr. through the tg2. I was so happy with it, I had him record 3 more tracks on top of it because I just couldn't get enough of it. I just had him change pickups or the settings on the amp a small emount each time. The chandler just created an amazingly thick blanket all by itself... no eq... I think that I might have peed myself a little when I listened back.

Fri, 08/27/2004 - 14:47 Permalink

The Chandler is at the top of my list of pres to own....In thinking that this thing is going to allow me to achieve that "Abbey Road" sound, I have to remember that there were all of these ancient Telefunken,Neuman,Sennheiser,ect well as a Sir George okaying all the noises......AND! theres the environment those noises were made well as some terrific songwriting....all these things are important when thinking about achieving a sound of that stature..

Sat, 08/28/2004 - 13:35 Permalink