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AD2022 by Avalon anyone heard it?

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Submitted by anonymous on

All owners or users please respond as I am about to purchase one for vocals tomorrow?



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I've got 3 of the M5 Avalons, they're mono versions of the AD2022. I ended up with those because I originally thought I'd only need one channel of this type of pre. After I got the first I decided I really should have a pair and then finally bought a third to use with a single room mic.

They're great sounding pres, every bit of sound your mic can muster will be faithfully portrayed by the AD2022 or M5 Avalons.

Tue, 04/16/2002 - 13:49 Permalink
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Sir Bob

Which mics do you like for vocals thru a 2022? If I thought I could get by with one channel, what more would I get with the Avalon VT-737 SP, especially for lead vocal?

I have two channels of Brent Averill 1272 which I like a lot for its big vintage sound, especially micing a guitar amp.

But I would like something else, maybe something to complement the 1272. The new Great River MP-2NV sounds like it would be great but is that too much like the 1272?

I particularly think I need a preamp for vocals, acoustic guitar and drum overhead. I got electric guitar covered with the 1272.

Tue, 04/16/2002 - 22:08 Permalink
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Originally posted by Sir Bob:

[QB]But I would like something else, maybe something to complement the 1272. The new Great River MP-2NV sounds like it would be great but is that too much like the 1272?[QB]

Not really... however the Phoenix Audio DRS-2 is just as cool, gives almost as much variety of tones and available textures... and gets away from the "N" word a little farther.

In my book it could be 6 of one, half a dozen or the other... they complement each other very nicely.

Best of luck with your search.

Wed, 04/17/2002 - 05:27 Permalink
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I alternate between the Avalon & a 33609 on my background vocal chain. I've used it on other bus groups with much success, but I usually like it for sounds I need slower attack & release times on.

Hey e-cue,

I think you are thinking about the 2044 compressor, my choice also for backgrounds submix. I usually strap them with a 2055 EQ or a pair of Amek CIB's. Excellent sounding, also works well for bass.

Wed, 04/17/2002 - 14:32 Permalink
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Aurgh. Lost the 1st half of that message.... good lookin' Thrill...

Basically, I like using all of Avalon's gear together. The 2022 works great keyboards, sound modules, synths, guitars and bass. The 2022 on a direct out of a stand up bass was monsterious (no eq or compression). For vocals I usually go with the 737. On my BG chain I rock the 2044 in the 2055 most of the time.

Thu, 04/18/2002 - 15:47 Permalink
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Sir Bob

Originally posted by soundque:

Originally posted by dontae:

All owners or users please respond as I am about to purchase one for vocals tomorrow?

You are going to make a $2500 purchase in 24 hours based soley on what a few people say here?Sure, it's crazy to go buy something for so much money without hearing it but for some of us, there is no other option. And that's why we spend time here to get opinions and feedback.

Some of you professionals have lots of opportunity to hear all the equipment. But then there is another group of which I belong. And that is the home recording hobbyist. We started out with Port-A-Studios, maybe moved up to ADAT's and might even be using the same equipment as the professionals.

I have yet to buy anything from Fletcher. But you can bet when it comes time to get a big-ticket item, going to him will be smart because of his liberal return policy.

The best I can to is to go down to Guitar Center and play with what they have down their. And I have no complaints with them. Sure some of the salesmen are clueless, but frankly you can probably get your best price there. I also have had a nice experience with Nika at Sweetwater.

Unfortunately, much of the stuff we talk about here, i.e. Soundelux, Fatso, Distressor, Crane, etc., is not being sold at GC.

So, in conclusion, yeah some of us don't have an opportunity to hear the stuff we want to buy. I have a hankering to get the Lawson L 47MP ($2,000) but I won't ever get a chance to hear one before I do.

Sun, 04/21/2002 - 18:36 Permalink