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advice on purchasing converters

Submitted by Mice256 on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 14:21

hey all! i'm a young recording engineer trying to learn as much from all of you as i can. i was wondering if someone can clear up for me what i need to set up A/D/Aconverters before i buy them. i was thinking of purchasing Apogeeconverters. i am thinking of going with the rosetta 800 but am unsure of how it connects to the computer and to the mixing board(my board is a Mackie onyx 16 channel mixer). i was researching the cables for the rosetta and saw that db-25 to XLR male and db25 to XLR female for the input and output. i'm quite sure what it needs to connect to the computer itself. do i need to buy their firewire card as well? also i'm not sure how i would connect those XLR to my board seeing that the only XLR ports are for MICs only. would i need to buy another board or can i buy 1/4" adapters to connect it to the insert channels. I would end up using it with Cubase but i know Apogeehas an HD card to connect to Pro Tools. if i decide to use Pro Tools later where can i buy the software itself because i can't seem to find it anywhere. am i better off going for an HD system instead?

I'm sure everything i wrote is unclear so let me know if i need to re word it in any way or clear anything up.

Thanks in advance
