Your Avatar Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 06/24/2005 - 07:28 So ive undecided to buy one of these two microphones just for use for VOCALS nothing else. So which one should i get? THANKS AGAIN! media content Tags akg akg c2000b vs. akg c3000b akg c2000b akg c3000b Log in or register to post comments Comments Your Avatar ghellquist None if you haven´t tried them on the actual voice. If you have None if you haven´t tried them on the actual voice. If you have tried them it is easy to hear which one sounds best. Gunnar. Log in or register to post comments Fri, 06/24/2005 - 07:29 Permalink Your Avatar jonyoung I own the 3000, it's too brittle sounding IMO for vocals. Try ou I own the 3000, it's too brittle sounding IMO for vocals. Try out an AT3035, about $185 and very warm sounding. Log in or register to post comments Fri, 06/24/2005 - 17:58 Permalink
Your Avatar ghellquist None if you haven´t tried them on the actual voice. If you have None if you haven´t tried them on the actual voice. If you have tried them it is easy to hear which one sounds best. Gunnar. Log in or register to post comments Fri, 06/24/2005 - 07:29 Permalink
Your Avatar jonyoung I own the 3000, it's too brittle sounding IMO for vocals. Try ou I own the 3000, it's too brittle sounding IMO for vocals. Try out an AT3035, about $185 and very warm sounding. Log in or register to post comments Fri, 06/24/2005 - 17:58 Permalink
None if you haven´t tried them on the actual voice. If you have
None if you haven´t tried them on the actual voice. If you have tried them it is easy to hear which one sounds best.
I own the 3000, it's too brittle sounding IMO for vocals. Try ou
I own the 3000, it's too brittle sounding IMO for vocals. Try out an AT3035, about $185 and very warm sounding.