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Any good as my first condenser with CK91 Cardiod capsule?

Currently using a SM58 for vocals and acoustic guitar through M-Box 2, would the AKG be a significant improvement or am i better off saving for something better?


zemlin Thu, 03/29/2007 - 20:09

It depends on what you want. The AKG C391B has a pretty flat response. I like them on guitar - most of my other SDCs are a lot brighter. I've never tried the bluelines on vocals - although I also use them for choral recording.

I have a couple of samples if you like - both guitar. Both have been mixed, so perhaps not a great reference for what the mics sound like. Both are stereo mic setups.

This was a quick studio session - the guy came in a recorded a full album's worth of material in 3 hours. The guitar was mic'd XY with cardioid blue lines.

This one was a live recording of an acoustic show in a small bookstore. The mics were a couple feet from the performer - MS blue lines (CK91 & CK94) directed at the guitar and a Rode NT2000 overhead for vocals.