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Apogee PSX-100 and DAW not locking. please read!

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Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 10/28/2008 - 07:54

hi, my name is kib and i'm new to the forum. i found it by internet search and hopefully some of you pros can help me. suddenly, after a year of use without a hiccup, my ApogeePSX-100 won't lock up with my DAW (roland VS-2480). i use SPDIF and BNC high quality cables. when i go into the 2480 "project parameter" and tick "wordclock" i get an instant message, "wordclock in unlock. change to internal clock?" i can only select "enter". i've opened different projects and same thing.

has this ever happened to any of you before? i'll be eternally in debt and grateful if you help me straighten this out.

sorry to repeat myself, but wordclock was in lock and everything was working fine when i shut down and went to bed. i didn't change any settings or unplug any cables on either of the units. the next morning as an important session was starting, the Apogeewouldn't lock up with the 2480 and i had to record analog. very disappointing. for the past year, the Apogeeand 2480 have always locked automatically as the 2480 is booting up, but all of a sudden, not now. thank you so much! kib
