I came across this new Tube mic from Audio-Technica, the AT3060, which doesn't require a separate power supply and runs on 48V phantom power; has anybody tried it or reviewed it (Kurt?)?
I'm kind of an AT fan and really like their products (even the "project studio" line 30 serie, which really kicks some major butt), so given the fact that I'm considering the purchase of a RODE NTK tube mic I'd like to know how this AT compares to the RODE .
Thanx for your feedback
The Rode and the AT are completely different animals. If you ha
The Rode and the AT are completely different animals. If you have the cash, get the Rode. You won't be sorry.
Hi I know they're two different beasts, I would like to know
I know they're two different beasts, I would like to know how; you say if you have the cash get the Rode, the funny thing is that I can get 2 NTK for la lot less than 2 AT3060; I wonder if all of this raving about the NTK is true (it should, as every single user I herad really loves it), but since I'm a big fan of AT mics I'd like to know something more about this 3060 from someone who actually used it.
Thanx for the reply
...thought i'd let you know, i chose an AT4047/SV over a 3060
...thought i'd let you know,
i chose an AT4047/SV over a 3060
it was a blindfold test with about ten mics at least....in a store
The NTK was cool but still had that top-mid peak.
That's what i thought anyway.
The AT4047/SV is nice ...not brittle.
Really nice on female vox.
Recording's a breeze with that one. :)
I don't see on a graph or hear the 4047 being flat. It is a dua
I don't see on a graph or hear the 4047 being flat. It is a dual membane nickel mic. It is inherantly bright on top. If you want a slightly different alternatice try the 4040, which is a single membrane mic.
The Rode NT1000, the NTK, etc are all very nice mics regardless of the money. Do have the "character" of a another mic? No. They are what they are.
I have no idea why my browser just dug up this thread and placed
I have no idea why my browser just dug up this thread and placed it at the top, but anyway, Sheet saying that the 4047 is a dual nickel membrane mic got me curious. Are you sure it's nickel?
Looking at the polar plot is also iteresting, because it looks like nothing else. It maintains a 180 degree null at all frequencys, which is unusual; but more unusual still is that it doesn't beam, but actually widens at higher frequencys! This, and the fact that it is a cardioid only dual membrane mic, leads me to believe that there is some quite drastic equalization going on individually for the membranes before they are summed. Iteresting indeed! :cool: