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Avalon M5 vs. Great River ME-1NV

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Submitted by Seansean on Tue, 03/16/2010 - 14:47

I need a preamp for recording vocals.

Is anyone familiar with either the Avalon M5 or the Great River ME-1NV?

These are the two I'm debating between. They are basically the same price.

I look forward to hearing any thoughts,


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Please let us know what other gear you are using to track these with - tape? DAW? what are your A/D converters?

I have used neither, but have heard great things from people I trust that Great River is bang for the buck. Avalon I've always shied away from as a bit too shiny.

I hate to link to another site, but there is some discussion here: [[url=http://[/URL]="http://homerecordin…"]Avalon M5 or Great River MP-1NV? - Home Recording[/]="http://homerecordin…"]Avalon M5 or Great River MP-1NV? - Home Recording[/]

Tue, 03/16/2010 - 15:34 Permalink
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Im using a Logic Studio 9 and have a Pre Sonus firestudio. I'm also tracking vocals with an AKG C414 BXL II.

I check out that previous thread, it looks like the 1NV is running away with it. I never heard of Great River until I started researching this, and I seen/used Avalon in every studio I've recorded in. That is where my natural bias came from.

Tue, 03/16/2010 - 16:10 Permalink
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I know the M5 gets a bad rap but we've had one for a few years and it gets its fair share of use. good solid preamp with clear sound and good for tracking instruments as well. The DI is nice and some bass players like it. Now compared to GR, GML, or APIs, not quite there and probably a bit overpriced but if you can find a used one it should serve your needs. Get the GR and buy an M5 if an amazing deal shows up somewhere.

Wed, 03/17/2010 - 09:56 Permalink