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What would you recommend?

What does recording software use mostly? Processor? Ram? etc.

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zemlin Wed, 08/22/2007 - 18:27

Recording doesn't use a lot of resources. Mixing does. What software are you running? What audio interface do you use?

Off hand, I'd say 2GB RAM, and as much CPU as you can afford. The Core2 Duo is a nice chip! The faster the better.

I just built up an ASUS P5B Deluxe with an E6600 CPU, 2GB RAM, and a fanless 7600GT nVidia graphics card. I'm using this with an Echo AUDIOFIRE12. Software is Samplitude Pro and Adobe Audition - and lovin' it.

anonymous Wed, 08/22/2007 - 22:55

Thanks for the response.

Right now I am using Sonar 6 producer edition, and running through a Motu firewire interface.

I didn't build the computer (its my fathers) but i know its a Pentium 3 GHZ (not dual core), 2 gigs of ram, and i just added a 10k rpm rator hard drive.

However, when i start adding reverb, EQ, ect. It starts lagging up, so i need to separate the drums tracks, and vocal track. Mix them separately then put them together.

I want to build a computer within a year or so and was wondering what components were most important for mixing. Im thinking a 64bit dual core processor, lots of ram, same hard drive, and a video card to support 2-4 monitors.

Kent L T Fri, 08/24/2007 - 08:50

2 gig ram
a TI fire wire chip set
The raptors are really fast drives but pretty noisy. A single platter drive will run quieter and still be fast enough. You will need at least 2 drives one for the OS and one for your projects a third for some form of archiving would be good.
The video card is not as important except for fan noise(there are some fan less cards out there) and driver stability.
A quiet well ventilated case.
a quiet cpu fan
CPUs, well any of a number of duel cores will work fine.
A good stable motherboard.
Windows XP Home, pro
a RW +- dvd drive that doesn't sound like a jet taking off when it winds up. ( I haven't had any luck with this yet maybe others could suggest)

Kent L T Tue, 08/28/2007 - 08:48

The Macs should always be an option.

I saw in another post that 64bit os is a little dicey still in getting stuff to work with it so unless anything has changed I would stay with 32bit.

With audio its not always good to be on the bleeding edge of technology. Your looking more for proven and stable.

bwmac Tue, 08/28/2007 - 13:30

Derekdrums wrote: What would you recommend?

What does recording software use mostly? Processor? Ram? ect.

Hello Derekdrums;
You have Sonar 6 so you should build for your DAW.

I would definetly go with a 64 bit OS and machine, oh I did, :) specs in my signature.

The Duel cores have come down in price do to the quad core hype.

The quad-core wont help us that much though.

I just swaped out my new 3800 AMDx2 64 for a new 6000 (dont see to much diff) and ya can't take em back :roll:

With a 64 bit system you can put more ram in then you can on the old format. Now the sweet thing is all that extra head room and the way it helps clean the sound up. (by giving more room)

SONAR 6 includes both a 32-bit version for Windows XP and a 64-bit version for use with Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. Experience 20-30% processing performance gains and access up to 128 GB of RAM on x64.
heres a video on it

and a review

To help you out for the time being make sure that in the options of Sonar-6, that you have both the write and read ticked (I think its the second tab)

also read the section on the freeze function as it will free up the ram that your FX just used

Track Freeze

Freeze tracks, effects, and synths to save valuable CPU resources. Unloads plug-ins, frees RAM, frozen audio is editable, Quick Unfreeze allows for toggling, and more.

I hope this helps and You might want to ask your sonar questions at the cakewalk forum, I use both of these great forums


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