In the pro audio community, we know that good cables are important. Ok fine but the hi-fi community seems to push the envelope by a factor of 100 and + .
Example? In a studio, who will pay $3,500 per side for speaker cables?.
Another one. In a studio, you run maybe 100 feet of mogami or canare cables, fine but in the hi-fi, they could spent the equivalent of a 24 pairs snake just to plug the preamp/amp.
They (hi-fi) are ready to pay 100$ and+ just for power cables for preamp! or poweramp, when they should maybe just use a heavier in wall AC wire
The list could go on and on and on.
Overkill...what do you think?
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Serge Locat: [QB] Serge- I th
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Serge Locat:
I think that you will find that the answer is a resounding yes. In a studio most folks buy nice cables (Canare, XLO, Mogami) but they're no where near the extremes (Cardas Golden Cross, Kimber Monocal). Buy the best you can afford and forget about it.
My $0.0125 (after taxes)
You can even go down in price from canare, mogami ect. Belden, G
You can even go down in price from canare, mogami ect. Belden, Gepco, Alpha will do you fine too. Just learn how to solder properly and you'll be fine. Good connections will make more of a difference than cable type. I have been using aes cable for analog connections lately because it has very low capacitance (pf/ft). For mic and line level signals this is the spec that matters.
That's why I've posted here. I know that the pro audio communit
That's why I've posted here. I know that the pro audio community is aware of good cables, good soldering and good connections, but more than that il could easely become overkill
It is that I find it so exagerated in those Super Hi-Fi Tweak-Head-Audio-Purity-Sky-Is-The-Limit, supposed serious audiophile magazines, Hey, they even have fount some audio-CD players who sell ten times those found in major studios.
Remember the Nakamichi $10K cassette deck player?
It is just that when I see those adds in the Hi-Fi magazines, the price of theese toys!
Well.. you know what I mean.
This is not serious.