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can u open 88.2khz sample rate project with mbox?

Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/30/2006 - 23:09

i tried opening a session i did at the studio, and i wasn't aware that they recorded at 88.2. is there any trick or way i can open this session on my mbox? obvioiusly if not, i'll have to go back and get the tracks consolidated etc... booo



Most current state-of-the-art audio programs should be able to load those files and although you may not be able to play them through your device at the original sample rate, you may be able to do the sample rate down conversion your self within your software. Then you should be able to play it.

The downsample may also require some dither, it's not automatically added? Make sure you set your software for " best" quality conversion settings. Make sure you also retain the 88.2kHz version for your higher definition archive, for future use.

Learning is higher definition
Ms. Remy Ann David

Wed, 05/31/2006 - 09:41 Permalink

Unfortunately, Protools LE (the version compatible with the MBox) does not offer any way to load these files. His session will not open because it is at 88.2kHz (MBox max is 48kHz). Also, there is no other uitility offered from Digidesign to do a down-sample. A 3rd party software not from Digidesign may allow for a down-sample, but it sounds as though the session files have not been consolidated, so there's no way to identify which files are the pertinent ones, and what edits have been done to them as dictated in the session file.

The only real option is to open the session on a Protools HD system and do a "Save Copy In" under the File menu. From the dialog that opens, you can choose to lower the session sample rate from 88.2kHz to 44.1kHz. You will then have a new session with converted audio files that can be opened on an MBox.

The MBox can handle up to 24 Bit files, so only the down-sample should be needed, and not dither (which would only be needed for converting to lower bit depths, i.e. 16 bit).

jadedjeff, you may want to consider having the studio you work at to do this for you on any future sessions, or just have them record at a lower sample rate to begin with.

Wed, 05/31/2006 - 17:12 Permalink