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Check this eBay auction for Studio Time! Good idea IMO

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Submitted by Randyman... on

I just stumbled on this eBay auction:

(No, I'm NOT affiliated with them :roll: )

Seems like a good idea - but $35 an hour? This studio has to be taking a beating to offer that kind of deal? I guess this might help them pull in enough business to keep their doors open? It looks like a VERY nice studio, too (SSL and NEVE!)! I know I wouldn't mind saving 50% versus going to LA, or paying a bit of airfare to end up with a cheap, but professional product (opposed to a cheap, but "semi-pro" project ;) ).

What do you think about this? This will surely cut into the "Project Studios" price range, and with top-notch analog/digital gear! Do you think this will become a trend?

