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Computer Singing?

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 01/07/2009 - 10:21

Hey, first post here.

Im trying to find a program or vst plugin that allows me to have a computer robot voice singing.

No i dont mean an effect. or an autotune.

I want a computer voice to do all the singing.

anyone know of anything?


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Maybe a "vocador" is different, but am going to assume you ment a vocoder. Vocoders do not synthesize a voice as the OP is asking, they combine a voice with a melodic instrument to create a robotic sound. [=""]See wikipedia.[/]="http://en.wikipedia…"]See wikipedia.[/]

Fruity Loops does have a "Speech Synthesizer" that does what you are asking. The way to create pitches is a little weird. Happy Birth Day would be: Happy(-1) Birth(1) Day(-1)

There is a shareware program called [[url=http://="http://www.myriad-o…"]Melody Assistant[/]="http://www.myriad-o…"]Melody Assistant[/] that does what you are asking. Nice program for scoring as well.

Wed, 01/07/2009 - 12:15 Permalink
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virtual voice

myriad has a virtual voice. you can try it free using melody assistant or harmony assisstant demo mode, but it is really cheap to buy, I did with melody assisstant only 50usd for voice and prog as oppossed to 300usd for yamaha's vocaloid. uses midi files. just type in vocals, some midi files have vocals allready

Mon, 10/26/2009 - 13:22 Permalink