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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 04/06/2005 - 15:13

how come whenever i try to use any condenser on a guitar cab it just doesnt sound as nice as a 57? ive tried a few different mics(AT 4033's, SE 3300's, SE 5600's, RODE NT 1's and NT3's) and they just sound middley with not much brightness and balls...
i've tried changing where the mic is, close, 1ft back, 3 ft back, 6ft back and every variation in between, doffent blends with other mics but still nothing spectactular... i'm still more happy with a 57 and beta 58 comination... am i doing something drastically wrong? hwo can i make this better? i must be missing something...

thanx chaps...



THeBLueROom wrote: first thing would be to tell us what type of amp/cab and what sound you are going for.

all sorts of amps, mainly old valve heads... marshall, carlsbro, wem, vox etc... 4x12's with celestions usually... i'm mainly after a thick low gain sound (carlsbro and wem), so its just breaking up, all the way to balls out of the bath high gain monsters... the marshall handles that pretty well, i also usually use an eq pedal just to push the preamp a little harder for high gain... any ideas???


Wed, 04/06/2005 - 16:57 Permalink

For me... most condensers do not sound good when mic'ing a guitar cab/combo however, there is one that I use more often than dynamic mic's

First let me congradulate you on not (soley) running direct. I think running completely direct sounds like "poopage"

When I did a tour playng electric guitar, there was this guy that insisted on using these funny looking mic's for my 4x12 cabs. I imediatley recognized them as condensers. After the show, the band, many fans, and even my wife commented on how good the sound of my guitar was - so I asked the sound guy about the mic's and chain he used.

To my suprise these were "Superlux" mic's (if you want the exact version I'll look it up). Afer that I picked up two of them and performed many shows with them.

I have used them in the studio for many things, but I think they sound best on electric guitar (yes even in the studio). They are inexpensive, and cheap. I have one that has failed, but for the price I may buy another.


Wed, 04/06/2005 - 19:23 Permalink

haha!!! its funny you should mention that... i have the superlux cheap drum set and the dynamics in there (suposed to be like 57's but not as long) have an even nicer sound than a 57!!! a little more round and full... not quite as shrill... if you could find out what the ones you were using that would be awesome!!! maybe weve come across a new industry secret!!!


Thu, 04/07/2005 - 01:01 Permalink

Do you mind if I ask...Are you using a higher end (good to great) mic pre-amp?
Just wondering. I like, and have had some favoriable opinions about my recorded sounds with my condensor mic on the guitar amp. However I do use API, Avalon, and Great River pre's. And I also mix the sound with a SM57 or an Audix 07.
Just a thought... :?

Thu, 04/07/2005 - 14:34 Permalink

inLoco wrote: i sometimes use my c414 tlII about 1meter from my hot rod deluxe amp with a sm57 centered! for some more room and natural reverb and presence is cool! but now i'm more into keeping it simple! just 57 and if i really need it and have time and so on i'll use!

Funny you should say that. Mark Opitz is a recording legend here in Australia. He's worked with bands like INXS, AC/DC, Cold Chisel and The Divinyls. In a recent "Audio Technologies" mag he talks about his technique for micing guitar cabs.
Basically he puts a 57 and a C-414 in an X/Y configuration (90 degrees) right in front of the speaker. From straight on you should be able to see the cone through the small gap between the heads of the mics.
Then you can move the mics closer to the speaker, or further away to get more or less room sound.... as long as the mics remain in X/Y and stay directly in front of the speaker cone.

Fri, 04/08/2005 - 06:46 Permalink