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So i buyed AT3035 mic and its great! Better i thought it will be. Now thers 2 switches on it... One is low cut whis i know what itis and its usefull when recording vocals and second is -"10db pad"... what is that? And when should i use it?

So i need a pop filter... is there a big diference in realy cheap ones and not so cheap? is this one ok?

and I'm recording in my bedroom if nothig its wery small room. (thats a good ting right?) so I'm thinking to buy this

will this be usefull to me or its a waste of money?

+ I'm thinking to go to school for audio recording... Unfortunately there is no other schools aveliable sept S.A.E. institute and even that is in onother contry! So should i go? I mean is that a good school?

Thank u very much for ur replys. This forum is great! Especialy for us noobies. U can ask wathever u want and nomather how stupid ur question is ull get honest replys without anybody makeing u feel stupid! (unlikely on some forums). So thank u people!



llatht Sat, 03/31/2007 - 10:10

The -10 db switch is for when you record a very loud source (like drums)that may be a little to much fot the mic to handle without distorting. It basically turns what the mic hears down by 10 dbs.

I don't think it really matters what pop filter you buy just so it works.

That reflextion filter thingy seams really expensive.

Link555 Sat, 03/31/2007 - 12:26

The -10db switch attenuates the sound by 10db. A db is a unit of power. Typically 6 dB is 1/2 power (log scale). That means what llatht said is correct, it will allow the mic to record louder sounds without distortion.

Pop Filters can be made from any thing really, when I was a student I made mine with coffee can lids, the plastic kinds, and nylon. Cut the plastic lid around the edge and punch the center out. Encase the circle with the nylon, make it tight. Works very well acutally.

The best way to learn to record audio is to just do it. I find most schools very expenesive with poor job prospects. I say buy the gear and ask all kinds of questions. Or take cheaper course from local studios.

Good Luck!

anonymous Sat, 03/31/2007 - 17:20

We used to make pop filters from a wire coat hanger and nylon stockings. :-) Now, much later, I've used both nylon and the wire mesh type of pop filters, and I really don't think there is much difference. The wire mesh is supposed to let more high end through, but doesn't stop as much of the "pop."

I've been really curious about those Reflexion units, but I don't know anyone who has tried one. Seems like it could make a difference in a less-than-ideal recording space. Has anyone used one?

anonymous Wed, 04/04/2007 - 07:40


Thanks for the info. Yeah, fixing the space is certainly the way to go. I do location recording from time to time, and sometimes I find myself wandering around thinking, "Where the heck am I going to record the vox?" :-) Usually I can talk the performer into coming back to my space for vocal tracking, but sometimes it just doesn't work out and we have to go with what we got.

So, yeah, that's really what my inquiry was about. Thanks again!
