Hey, I happen to be looking for some quick business end advice. I've been researching a bit, but can't seem to find my answer. I've always come to this site and found a lot of intelligent answers (I basically come and read forums here almost every day for a couple years now, and feel I've learned quite a bit aside from my schooling), So i now come asking for a little advice.
First the situation:
So, I've just recently graduated from college (end of april), an Audio Post Production program, and my program co-ordinator received an email from a photography business who is slowly moving into making small promotional type videos that would be posted on youtube. Anywhere from 2-5 min long, and she's looking for the post work, but primarily for the music that's going to be created for them. Well, the my professor/program co-ordinator apparently "highly recommended" me to her for the job, however, I never focused on creating music; I've, more or less, focus on the sound design, cleaning audio, foley etc, portion of post work. I have done some creating/writing of music in my projects during this past year (about 3-4), I wouldn't exactly call it "AMAZING!", but i found it fits. I've never thought about getting into this side of post, but i became recommended, so I'm sending her some work from projects to see what she thinks of the creation of music.
Now the question:
She had asked that when i send her the material, to also send her a pricings of what I'd charge for it. Now, feeling quite amateurish in the creating of music (which seems to be what she is looking for primarily, with little other things) and after looking up what others charge I felt smacked in the face. I've seen anywhere from from 800-1500 per minute of music. I like the idea of per minute, or per second of music (based on how many instruments). But I don't feel my work could warrant those prices and definitely don't want to soil a name right out of the gate. I hear all the time "don't undersell yourself" through out the program, in articles of I've read etc... but I also don't want to oversell, nor do I want it to be a negative reflection of how the industry works. So, I'm asking basically, if people had ideas as to costs for charging for this kind of job when one is just starting out.
I guess I should point out I'm from Canada, if that changes how things are done at all. But any advice is appreciated, Thanks in advance.
I have worked in network television for half of my 41 year caree
I have worked in network television for half of my 41 year career. You are a post-guy that specializes in production not necessarily composing and producing music. There are numerous great sounding commercial music packages sold by many different composers/arrangers that specialize in creating music. I would suggest looking into a commercial music package. One that I liked when I was at NBC came from Nashville Tennessee (where I have been for the past month) called 615 music. 615 just happens to be the area code also. Their stuff sounds terrific. Great writing, arranging, great mixes. So you should contact them. There was another music library we had at NBC DC that were very artfully crafted nearly identical " sound alike " package. Every tune sounded like a hit rock 'n roll tune that we all know. But it wasn't. Certain chordal structures were inverted and changed so as not to create copyright infringement. But they were so close, you can actually sing the lyrics of the originals song to it. I still have a copy of some of those somewhere? I use them as an example that when people are worried about anybody hearing their music because they don't have a copyright yet, I tell them, it doesn't matter if you get a copyright if somebody wants to steal it. And if somebody is brazen enough to steal it, they're going to have a lawyer on retainer.
So utilizing commercial music packages is a perfectly acceptable thing to do. You are a better cook than others that have to rely upon TV dinners. You know how to put all the wonderful fresh ingredients together to come up with something far better. Having a dynamite music package would also further enhance your quality of delivery. And yes, I think they ship to Canada also.
That's the 411 on the 615
Mx. Remy Ann David
So then you're suggesting creating some sort of "all in one" typ
So then you're suggesting creating some sort of "all in one" type of service, where the specialty would be in post and music would just happen to be an added bonus? I do believe that's what I've got from response. Correct me if i'm wrong. Or is it that, I should outsource the music writing portion of the projects?
But I will actually take a look at that company you suggested right now.
You have numerous ways to go with this regarding the music. You
You have numerous ways to go with this regarding the music. You can purchase a music library. No, you don't include the music as an added bonus. They pay per cut, what used to be called a needle drop fee. Some of these music companies require that you purchase their library but then you also must pay them per cut used. You have to have the library to give the client something to choose from or for you to choose from. Some of these production music companies offer a buyout option. In that respect, you are paying for the library and you keep the needle drop fee. It all has to do with licensing. You can't just utilize other commercial music and old rock 'n roll songs without paying the royalty rights to the publishing company and to the performers. Through ASCAP and BMI. Otherwise, you will get into a boat load of trouble you don't want. That will not only put you out of work it might put you in jail.
Of course you can also outsource any custom music you want produced. There are plenty of guys out there that would break down your door to give you their demos. So you are just scratching the surface of all the possible capabilities you can offer. It's mind boggling. So if your specialty is postproduction and production, stick to your specialty and find the best music libraries you can offer your clients. I know that 615 has been around since the early 1990s and I love their stuff and their sound, their production, everything. These Nashville guys are hot. And so are many others. Search commercial music libraries.
You might also want to take advantage of your own talent. You could hire some musicians and bring them to your home studio. You'd track and mix the music you want them to perform. You might need to hire an arranger. You don't have to record all of the instrumentalists at once. You can cut them one at a time. You can do this all from a simple computer audio interface and a couple of microphones. Drum set? You can get away with one microphone on the bass drum and one microphone overhead. Direct in from the bass guitar. Direct in from the electronic keyboard. SM57/58 on acoustic guitar and/or amplifier cabinet. I think you get the idea. So you will quickly be turning into a production company. And in a few years you might be working from some new digs with a half a dozen people working for you?
BTW I was born and raised in Detroit until I was 15. I was raised on CBC radio and TV. We always used to go into Windsor, Toronto, Montréal, regularly. I love Canada. You Canadian dudes are cool!
CKLW, TV 9 and the big 80 not to mention FM. I forget the FM frequency it's been a while.
Mx. Remy Ann David