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Before I start I'm not intending to open up the can of mp3 vs wav .vs. other worms debate,
so here it goes:
Been using a Yamaha mg16f/x mixer for basically summing down to 2 trks more so for rehearsing before recording songs
all keys drum units etc are inline to mixer and control rm out to krk monitors. No Compression or limiting on.
I always feel that the sound quality of this set up is, while fairly quiet, a bit strange kinda too in your face.
( I know it's hard to describe a sound).
I plugged in an mp3/ wav player to play along with warm up my chops and the keys really sound different than the mix on the player even when down in the mix.
any thoughts?

i am not that experienced in recording as yet, so any advice is welcome.


TheJackAttack Tue, 12/15/2009 - 12:24

Your mp3 tunes are already recorded and, more importantly, mastered. You are comparing apples and oranges-raw tracks to polished tracks. Now that said if you can get your raw tracks over time to be as close to finished tracks you will be doing well. This will take lots of experimentation, time, and no doubt money on great gear.

It has nothing to do with mp3 vs wav.

sturoc Tue, 12/15/2009 - 16:01

Thanks for confirming a suspicion regarding the finished products ( mp3 , wav ) I'm listening to and what I play raw.
I wasn't implying mp3 vs wav but just grouping them as all are mastered like you said.
Seems i need to get used to this as per tracking etc knowing now what a final version should sound like.
If you have any other basic advice per tracking and then mastering I would be much Grateful for the guidance.

TheJackAttack Tue, 12/15/2009 - 18:14

Actually, learning to mix well begins with listening. Listen over and over to a well mixed commercial recording and then try to imitate that sound. Start with all the eq and compressors off and zeroed. Now try to mix a similar set of tracks to match the commercial recording. Once you have it mixed as good as you think you can add one element like EQ. There are different types of EQ's. Learn what they are and what they are good for. Know that with EQ it is often more about cutting particular frequencies than boosting. Then maybe throw in a compressor. Somewhere here there is a sticky that beautifully describes the function of a compressor. They are the most overused and misused plug or outboard. Very useful but it doesn't do everything.

Basically change one thing at a time and explore ALL it's permutations before you move to the next step.

Just some ideas.


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