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DM-24 and 2408 routing?

Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 06/22/2001 - 12:44

I realize this is not a finalized product, but I have a question about the info that has been made available on the DM-24. It looks to be an ideal match for the 2408 with it's 3 built-in TDIF ports, and I understand the channels could be fed either from the built-in 16 analog ins or the 24 TDIF ins, but how can it route audio out? It has 8 buses which I assume could be routed out one TDIF, but how about channel direct outs? I've seen close-ups of the LCD:
which show both an input and a return for each channel. Is "return" Tascam nomenclature for channel direct out? At first, I was thinking in in-line console terms, where return would mean tape return but I don't think this board is laid out to allow two signal paths within one channel.
Hopefully, this means you can choose analog in 1-16 for the first 16 channels and assign those channel "returns" or direct outs to TDIF out 1-16, to record them into the 2408. Then assign channels 17-32 to use TDIF inputs 1-16, to monitor off the 2408 outputs, as in a split console.
This coupled with the news that the ADAT card will include sync out has got me considering a Tascam board for the first time. I'd really prefer to mix on a board with touch-sensitive motorized faders to my current mouse, and this console's built-in automation will run in sample-accurate sync to the 2408 by slaving the MOTU to the built-in ADAT 9-pin port. Plus, the transport controls would be big improvement over their virtual counterparts.
Am I understanding this "return" thing correctly?


The DM-24 allows the first 24 channels to be either a tape return channel(mixdown mode) or a mic/line input(recording mode.) The last 8 channels are input only. Pretty much anything BUT tape returns can be assigned there. Normally effects returns and such.
There are 16 mic/line inputs.
These 16 channels can be routed with a post fader direct output or bus assignment for tracking. So you can record 16 individual tracks simultaneously.
When you do this Aux 1-2 is used as the tape return path for the first 16 channels.
Because there are not 24 mic pres you will still use input channels 1-16 to bus to tracks 17-24. In a tracking situation channels 17-24 will always be used as a tape return path for tracks 17-24.
Once you're ready to mix the first 24 channels will be changed to tape returns.
There's a general idea of the signal flow of the DM-24.
This is the first time I've been here and I don't know how often I'll be able to vist. Feel free to e-mail me at with any questions you might have or post on the digital mixer section of the TACAM BBS.
I hope that helps,

Mon, 06/25/2001 - 08:42 Permalink