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Do you use your ACP88?

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Submitted by dpaton on

I have a couple of decent comps (RNCs, Ashly CL50, 1066) but they only add up to 4 individual channels of compression (yes I know the RNCs are stereo, but they're not dual mono :( ).

I'd like to have more channels of available compression, especially for when I do sessions with the garage band from hell*. A wall of RNCs and RNPs would make me very happy, but frankly I don't have that kind of cash right now. If I did I'd be printing my mixes to tape instead of DA38s :(

So I'm faced with a dilemma.

I have available to me a nearly mint condition ACP88 for a below-market-value sum.

Back when I was a live sound guy instead of a recording geek I used one pretty much every night. I owned my own rig and 8 channels of decent compression for $100 per was a damn good deal. The fact it was a 2U box and they didn't suck was a big bonus.

But that was bar band PA. This is recording.

Do you still own an ACP88? Do you use it on anything besides crappy garage bands?

So, do I take the plunge and buy it, or do I save my hard earned cash and buy another RNC and it's associated goodies and limp along with less compression than I'd like?


* 2 guitars, bass, keys, perc. toys and the biggest damn drum set ever (think Alex Van Halen in the 80s). The music they write is pretty good. Their consistency isn't.
