I've been doing a little hardware testing the last few days, after realizing that I could barely stand editing with my m-audio omnistudio usb (by editing, I'm referring to finding/removing small ticks/pops/etc... during audio).
I'm used to an m-audio delta pci card with the omnistudio breakout box. It is very responsive and I can easily find problems within words and such. I tried editing from home, though, with the usb and it's nearly impossible. There is a bunch of lag between commands and even between where something is on the timeline and when I hear it (I'm not talking minutes or anything, just milliseconds, but enough to make editing difficult).
So, I brought my laptop (the same laptop the usb was connected to) to work to test out our MOTU traveler firewire. I found the firewire to be, seemingly, as responsive as the pci.
My question is, would it be more likely that the usb of the omni was the problem or poorly written drivers? I'm looking at getting a different interface for home, but I don't want to get a crappy driver firewire or pass up a good usb, just because of a theory.
I used the omnistudio usb with wdm and asio (audition 1.5 and 3.0).
Usb is lethargic, effects latency and creates bottlenecks and th
Usb is lethargic, effects latency and creates bottlenecks and then it has bad points too ;)
USB is for keyboards, mice and flash storage. PCI or Firewire!
USB is for keyboards, mice and flash storage.
PCI or Firewire!