Hi folks
I'm wondering how you do your editing? I'm currently working on a project with a neoclassical guitar player and we have 5 mics up to record the guitar. We are looking to have some different sounds on the different tunes so will use various combinations of the mics. There are edits that need to made on some cuts and I want to do the edits over all 5 tracks. These edits are quite tricky, small glitches need to scissored out but there are a lot of drone type notes from open tunings. If I do the edits in the projet window I have trouble getting enough resolution and if I do each edit in the sample editer I have trouble keeping all the tracks in sync. Any tips or ideas? take care Logan
The editing features in Nuendo are top notch..whether you do the
The editing features in Nuendo are top notch..whether you do the editing in the arrange window or the sampler editor you will not lose any misplacement of the files..it's truly an amazing feature..
The resolution in both cases are superb but you do get a little more in the sample editor(thus the name!!)
Opus this stuff i'm working on is just solo guitar but there a
this stuff i'm working on is just solo guitar but there are 5 tracks from the 5 different mics. So I have to have the edits on all 5 tracks exactly the same. when im in the project window I can use the range tool to highlight a section and remove or move it or whatever and i can extend it over all 5 tracks, but when I go to the sample editor, i have to repeat the same edit 5 times and be exact down to the same sample or I get a chorus type effect from the tracks being out of sync. Some of the edits are really small and it's hard to deal with doing them over all 5 tracks with the range tool, is there a better approach? No doubt, I'm simply not proficient enough with the tools yet and I've leapt right in literally starting a project 1 hour after installing the latest upgrade, trying to do pretty precise edits without RTFM, So I'm wondering if I'm missing something obvious? take care Logan
Ahh...I gotcha... I would do that in the arrange page..just spli
Ahh...I gotcha...
I would do that in the arrange page..just splice out what you dont want or need..the resolution is there for you..you can enlarge the track size or the overall size of the arrange page either vertically or horizontally(sorry if I'm being redundant..just covering the bases)
Hold down Shift as you select each track and you can edit them as one file so to speak
Hope that helps