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Editing drumtracks?

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi. Does anyone have an idea on how to best tighten up real drums on 8 tracks? Fx a basdrum?

best from Greenie.



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8 tracks on what? A tape...(difficult to impossible)? A DAW (some editing work, but possible)? There are even software applications that may help.

Tighten in timing? Or flabby-sounding drums? (I'm guessing the first).

And lastly, devise a mechanical device that whacks the drummer's head with a rubber mallet to the beat, so he can learn how to play properly :twisted: Also, perhaps limit him to only three doobies and his beer consumption to something less than a 12-pack before recording?

How many drummers does it take to.......? :D (JUST kidding all you Bam-Bams out there!)


Sun, 07/01/2007 - 05:17 Permalink