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expanding FirePod channels using MacBook Pro

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Submitted by igotnosmoke on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 21:32

hey guys,

i am looking at a cheap way of expanding channels on my existing Mac Book Pro / PreSonus FirePOD set up.

I am aware that i can buy another PreSonus FirePod and chain them together however... i am looking to add a cheaper alternative... and additional 4-8 Channels (12 -16 total) would do me just fine... just wondering if anyone has a similar setup?

Would i be correct in saying all drivers of similar purpose hardware would conflict if used on the same machine? meaning i would have no choice but to purchase another FirePod?



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With the exception of adding two more channels via S/PDIF to your existing FirePod, you probably are limited to daisy-chaining further FP10s.

Last time I tried using dissimilar hardware on a Mac, I could get either one or the other to work, but not both at the same time. However, I got the impression the limitation was the software application I was running (Logic) rather than driver conflict. What application software do you use?

Fri, 03/14/2008 - 03:23 Permalink
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If you never upgraded the firmware in the firepod you will not be able to use two at a time and in some cases your DAW will aslo limit you to only 8 simultaneous channels at a time. I will suggest you to buy the firestudio that comes with the lightpipe option this way you can add watever pres (up to 16 channels) if you needed to in the future. hope this helps.

Fri, 03/14/2008 - 12:27 Permalink