I am a first time poster so apologies if my question isn't clear!
I have been using Logic 9 to record an album for my band. I am having trouble getting serious volume from my guitar tracks, without it sounding muddy and overbearing.
I have been using a Pocket Pod plugged directly into a small Behringer mixing desk, which in turn goes straight into my Macbook Pro via a USB interface (iMic)
I have been using the pre-set compression settings on Logic, eq-ing out the very low end to let the bass guitars through, pushing up the high-endto get some bite out of them. I have been panning hard left and hard right, with a small amount of re-verb on top.
The overall effect sounds ok, but it just doesn't sound punchy. it almost sounds like a duvet, or thin sheet is being held over the guitars, for want of a better description!
I have also experimented with some serious over dubs (16 on my last recording) but i think this may be causing more of a problem than solving!
Are there some fundamental tricks to recording good rock / metal guitars that I am missing? Please let me know if i have been to vague and need to give a better explanation!
Thanks to anyone who can help.
Can you post a clip/ sample of the sound so that we can hear the
Can you post a clip/ sample of the sound so that we can hear the problem?