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Good online course for Logic Pro X?

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Submitted by rainsong23 on Wed, 02/19/2020 - 08:21


I stumbled across a course for Logic Pro X by a guy name Thomas George on Udemy and I'm wondering if it's a good course. I just got Logic recently and am having a good time experimenting with it and learning as I go but would like to take a course online that I can do at my own pace. Right now the course is listed for $14.99 and says it's usually just under $200. I did read that Udemy always has sales on. The reviews for the course on Udemy seem good and $15 isn't a ton of money. Just wondering if any of you pros on here know of the guy or course.


I snooped around a bit and it's listed in a top six article here https://digitaldefy… and some of the tracks on his site here
( https://tomasgeorge… )
sound pretty good, but I've also seen a few posts saying that Udemy is a bit like roulette.

Thanks in advance


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Thanks for the feedback Tony. I did end up subscribing as it had many good reviews and I figured I'd get a lot of good info in one place in a systematic organization and $15 was a small investment and it's something I figure I can revisit many times. I will check out your suggestions as well and probably use YouTube and the book you mentioned to continue with things I still want to know as they come up.

Wed, 02/19/2020 - 15:42 Permalink