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guitar hum

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Submitted by osmuir on Sun, 10/14/2001 - 11:49

ok, so i was playing around with some guitar and bass sounds. when i pluged into my Lexicon signature 284 tube ampy thing, all was well and good but the direct tone wasn't rockin' it for me [bitching as an actual amp, though...]

so i DI'd into my amazing sounding pendulum mic preamp/di thingie...great tone, but this horrible buzzing when i took my hands off any metal on the bass or gtr. the tone knob on the bass made it mostly die, [cause it was high pitched?].

i this a grounding problem with the instrument, mic preamp? what? everything is plugged into the same outlet, granted w/no power conditioning.



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now, i thought about that, and then i thought i was full of shit. what the hell makes this happen? common problem? why does it [have to :( ] happen with my beautiful MDP-1 and not the lexicon amp?

the instruments involved:
1971 fender p bass
1986 [or so] gibson sg 1969 special edition [how i wish it had the cooler pick guard of the new ones].

is this gonna piss of my clients cause it's "my fault?" i would just feel kinda stupid whipping out the tape on a session.

guess it's better than electric shock...


Mon, 10/15/2001 - 11:21 Permalink