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Hearing loss / Tinnitus, and working as a mix engineer...

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Submitted by anonymous on


I'm in school for music production right now, and I mix in my home studio (sometimes for money) in my spare time. My mixes aren't incredible, but they are better than most of the other people I've heard my age.

2 days ago I went to a really loud rock concert and came out with a ringing in my left ear. When I came home, I did a little test with some sine Wavesand determined that I had some damage done in the upper midrange of my left ear. I know, I should have had earplugs, I should have stood further back from the speakers, but what's done is done. Now.. looking into the future:

Best case scenario: ringing in my ear goes away (it is slowly diminishing thank God) and frequencies go back to normal.

Worst case scenario: ringing in my ear stays forever and frequencies of the upper mids are messed up forever. (it's about a 3-6dB loss I'd say).

I'll be completely honest with you guys: I'm 21 and I always get what I want, I never give up, and I have rich and loving parents who pay for anything I want. I work hard and I don't take anything for granted.

Let's say that after I finish my education (at a top university by the way) and my mixes sound incredible, will it be THAT hard for me to get a job and make lots of money?

To be honest, I love mixing, but I'd rather do it for fun, and work as a radio/TV engineer or producer instead. What is more likely to get me a job? Mixing or radio/tv?

Especially since my ear is messed up now (temporarily I hope), I'm thinking about what I want to do in life, and the best direction to take.

I just want to be happy, get married, have a family, travel, and I don't want to struggle my whole life. Which is the most secure job in the music industry (having to do with sound as opposed to paperwork)?

This is important for me especially now, because I have to find an internship or job in NYC over the summer, and get on my feet. I want to show my parents that I'm capable of living on my own, and making money using the resources which they have invested in me.



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There is no such thing as a secure job or future in any career. Be flexable, work to satisfy yourself while being of service to others, and care for your ears and what's between them.

21 and always get what you want...Life has some lessons in store for you my young friend.

Top university...Diddlysquat in Postproduction, Production, and music.

Don't want to struggle....the human condition is a struggle. Challenges are the only way you learn what matters.

Lots of paperwork in sound. Notes, notes, notes. And billing!

Don't need to show your parents anything. Live honerably and find your own path, impress yourself. It will probably get the same results.

Good luck.

Oh, see an ear specialist if you are concerned. If it's taken 2 days for the ringing to die down, you probably should. If you forget earplugs at a concert, bum filtered cigarette, tear off the filter, tear it in half, and stuff them in your ears. The smokers get pissed that you "waisted their cig" but the best use for one of them I can think of.

Sat, 04/08/2006 - 21:22 Permalink
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I think the ringing should go away in a few days.

No one I know graduated college and started at a studio job full-time making lots of money. The producer I work with doesn't even make "a lot of money," compared to what you're probably thinking.

I'm not sure where you're going to find a job in the music industry with built-in job security. If there is such a job, please let me know.

I don't really have anything to add here, but I'd like to point out that by saying "I'm 21 and I always get what I want... and I have rich... parents who pay for anything I want" is not a good way to garnish any sort of respect. People will just assume you're spoiled and don't really know what real life is all about.

I'm sorry if that came across as insulting, but that kind of attitude bugs the hell out of me.

Sat, 04/08/2006 - 21:24 Permalink
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I am pretty spoiled and ignorant, and my whole life I went to private schools which taught me that I can get anything I want simply for being who I am. So I'm just asking for a reality check, because I'm applying for internships and people aren't calling me back, so I'm getting pissed at my teachers who laid a whole bunch of BS on me about how just the name of the school alone will make me super-rich with no effort.

Sat, 04/08/2006 - 22:32 Permalink
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Don't get pissed about people not calling you back. That's how it goes. See: "Let's Talk about BS" by stickers, maybe one or two threads away from this one.

I think your best bet would to just start doing your own recording independently, build up a portfolio of work, and then submit a proper resumé, if you still want to work at a studio. Even then, if you get in, all you may get is an internship scrubbing toilets. It all depends on the owner/engineer and the studio.

Sun, 04/09/2006 - 05:53 Permalink
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(DISCLAIMER) Do not consider this medical advice!


various studies have shown that the following can improve hearing and correct minor hearing loss.

L-Histidine Amino Acid


Vitamin B12


So what do I do?

I take a full L-Chain Amino Acid supplement daily, a full spectrum B daily vitamin and a magnesium supplement.

Have I noticed any hearing improvements or changes?

Yes I definitely have. I also have dramatically less issues after recording in Live venues.

Another trick is to sleep with shooters earmuffs on once in a while or after exposure to loud sources. The lack of sound apparently does something to resensitize your normal hearing.

All of the above supplements and methods are used by various militaries around the world to treat Tinnitus from shell explosions.

(2nd Disclaimer)

You should check with your doctor or health supplement provider before beginning any supplementation.



Kyro Studios

Sun, 04/09/2006 - 13:50 Permalink
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My ears got a lot better in these few days; I have a 6dB hearing loss between 4,000Hz and 7,000Hz, but that's still considered normal hearing. My ears were absolutely perfect before, so I have to adjust to this. Doctors consider it hearing loss if it's more than 20dB.

I did a lot of thinking during this time, so I'm going to always carry around earplugs with me, and wear them anywhere it's too loud, even on the subway.

Tue, 04/11/2006 - 09:37 Permalink