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Help for getting a home studio setup

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Submitted by samcharles on Tue, 07/19/2011 - 14:44

I am a aspiring musician, now want to start the recording on a small scale in my home. I want to do voice recording also in my home itself. My home is not sound proofed or sound treated as in the studio's. Can i pursue recordig in this mode with high(Superb) quality of the mix?


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Yes you can do it. It's simpler than you realize. Properly tweaked downward expansion after your other processing will be a primary performance and auditory feature you won't want to live without. Of course having a little room for resonance is always a good thing. Booths should be avoided at all costs. Your voice really needs to be in at least any room as large as a standard bedroom. U87 or younger?

Kay Am 56 now
Mx. Remy Ann David

Sat, 07/23/2011 - 05:14 Permalink