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Im currently working on some pet projects and I am quite new to the music comunity and buddy told me to go here and check out what you guys could do for me.

Anyway I'm recording wav.file onto my PC (vocal recordingz)but the samples are way to low in volume to register effectivly in my projects.

I was told normalizing and compressioning were good fixes and buddy said to come here so I was wondering if you guys had or knew were I could aquire such tech - or other such fixes.

Also when I am recording I am just using the onboard mic in my computer-let me tell you why now since your probably lyao by now- I bought a cheap Sony mic but no matter which sound card or port I plug it into it registers at 50% the volume of the onboard monitor mic and its really starting to pissing me off :mad: - so again all help here appreciated


anonymous Thu, 07/17/2003 - 11:36

try goin in your start menu, accessories, multimedia, volume control
in there, go in the preferences and click recording inputs. This will bring
up your soundcard's recording inputs. PLug your mic in the mic input and
then click the advanced button under your mic volume control. You should
see and 20dB boost for mic's. This should help for a start...
Also, try singing louder and closer to your mic...that always helps get more
hope you understand


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