Hey Kev,
If you see this, I was wondering if I could pick yer brain about making a "GSSL" compressor. Since I can't get the SCA stuff for a couple weeks, I was wanting to start on this. But I am having a bit of a time locating a full parts list and where to get them (USA). The info I am finding is all kind of disjointed and I don't know what the complete list is. The link that supposedly had this on the gyraf website is dead. I know that chef dude has the PCBs and the THAT's are available somewhere (I forget right now), but I'm a bit lost on everything I will need. Could you kind of steer me in the right direction, or do I just have to boil down a parts list from all the posts at prodigy-pro.com? Also, I know there is that place that does the faceplates, but where is a good source for a rack case?
Sorry for all the questions and my stoopididy, but you can't spell stoopididy without DIY. :oops:
reddog1299 at hotmail dot com if you prefer. Thanks
Kapow pow Kapow
Kapow pow Kapow
Updated the page. also try the groupdiy.org forums. Jakob E.
Updated the page.
also try the groupdiy.org forums.
Jakob E.
Yeah, dude thanks! I found the new working link a few days ago
Yeah, dude thanks! I found the new working link a few days ago and I am getting ready to order the parts and build the dangthang.
Should be a hoot! I'll probably register over at prodigypro at some point soon.
See ya there and thanks again.
for those that are wondering, Reggie did get an email from me on
for those that are wondering,
Reggie did get an email from me on this subject.
Generally I'm not in this forum
so if you do need me for some reason then you should venture into the two forums at the top of the list or the Pro Sound Chat forum.
'Sall good. 8) I thought I was asking for NASA secrets or so
'Sall good. 8) I thought I was asking for NASA secrets or something at first, but I understand. Just ordered a PCB and a bunch of Digikey junk, so I'm that much closer. I'll probably get my GSSL parts and my SCA parts all on the same day and I'll have to hire a crew of Chinese kids to help me assemble it all. :lol:
cool and as Jakob said ... head for Group DIY and the Meta Thre
and as Jakob said ... head for Group DIY and the Meta Threads