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Hey Mr. Kev! GSSL Compressor; Help!

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Submitted by Reggie on Mon, 06/06/2005 - 12:04

Hey Kev,

If you see this, I was wondering if I could pick yer brain about making a "GSSL" compressor. Since I can't get the SCA stuff for a couple weeks, I was wanting to start on this. But I am having a bit of a time locating a full parts list and where to get them (USA). The info I am finding is all kind of disjointed and I don't know what the complete list is. The link that supposedly had this on the gyraf website is dead. I know that chef dude has the PCBs and the THAT's are available somewhere (I forget right now), but I'm a bit lost on everything I will need. Could you kind of steer me in the right direction, or do I just have to boil down a parts list from all the posts at Also, I know there is that place that does the faceplates, but where is a good source for a rack case?
Sorry for all the questions and my stoopididy, but you can't spell stoopididy without DIY. :oops:
reddog1299 at hotmail dot com if you prefer. Thanks


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'Sall good. 8) I thought I was asking for NASA secrets or something at first, but I understand. Just ordered a PCB and a bunch of Digikey junk, so I'm that much closer. I'll probably get my GSSL parts and my SCA parts all on the same day and I'll have to hire a crew of Chinese kids to help me assemble it all. :lol:

Fri, 06/24/2005 - 18:34 Permalink