Hello i own a fostex vf150ex recorder, peavey pv16 mixer, dbx eq, dbx compressor, and an bbe sonic maximiser. i'm planning on buying a few more things but i was wondering before i did this how can i set this equipment up for mixing and then how could i get it onto a computer. I thought of using a usb mixer as my mixing one and then recording the processed signal onto the computer. But I'm not sure first how to hook all this up right.
Forget about the Fostex. The best way to go is to send the track
Forget about the Fostex. The best way to go is to send the tracks straight to the computer. If the Mixer is USB then I would connect it to the computer via a USB cable. You need drivers for the mixer. Load the drivers to the PC and verify the mixer is seen in device manager. In addition, make sure that the mixer is seen by your audio recording software as the input device. You could connect the external effects on the Peavey mixer to the monitor output, that way you could hear the FX when monitoring but pass a dry signal to the PC. You can add plugins FX to indavidual tracks during the mix process. There is other ways to set this up but using just the equipment you have I would say this is the way to go. You can always use the fostex for ideas or recording band rehearsals... I would recommend you to visit this site:
It has the most comprehensive guide on setup and the recording process you will ever find.