Hi all
Not sure if I'm in the right place but here goes. I'm having a clear out and I've got to get rid of this but I don't know a heck of a lot about it. Does anyone have any knowledge about it they'd be willing to share
http://www.flickr.c… Libra II - a set on Flickr[/]="http://www.flickr.c… Libra II - a set on Flickr[/]
There's a label on the back that says it's manufactured by Audix the model is a Libra II and the serial is 2103. I've googled this and come up with nothing.
Thanks in advance for any help
It would be helpful to see that actual image of the name on this
It would be helpful to see that actual image of the name on this?
There is a Libra II Live but this isn't it.