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I have done searches here, but it doesnt help when you dont understand half of whats being said .

I want to get my feet wet here, and make some techno/dance/ whatever the heck they call it nowadays music...

I downloaded a simple program called hammer head, and it was fun for 10 minutes, but its just too basic.

So i read that rebirth rb-338 was good to get and free, but you have to be registered and this and that...

then i downloaded a latest demo version of Fruity Loops...and wow, i think its a bit over my head at this point. not to mention its 200 dollars..

I feel a bit overwhelmed with all these terms, and products and the plethora of information from google searches...

I just want something cool, and cheap, free would be best. .but also something that i won't outgrow soon...

I'm no dummy when it comes to computers, software... etc. .although i admit theres a lot of stuff i dont know. but i dont want to learn.

I just need to get pointed in the right direction, and get some good information, instead of all this jumbled up, halfed arsed info on the net.


BoomTastic Mon, 09/28/2009 - 07:16

unfortunatly, due to cost and lack of time reasons.....its not going to happen...

:cry: :cry: :cry:

But, i made a make shift studio in my garage that came out pretty nice..


I havent given up on the idea of building a nice studio....just aint gonna happen at this time....which kinda sucked since i put all the time into designing it, and all the help members here gave me...ohh well.

BoomTastic Wed, 10/07/2009 - 00:08

Codemonkey wrote: Most people will have a habit of skimming forums they're not interested in. Sometimes I skim the Pro Audio ones because they just give me gear lust.

So you want some software to make techno music with?
You should be able to get hold of some VSTi's (and a VSTi host, something like Cubase or whatever).

you know...

i was talking to someone today...and they said cubase was better then fruity loops...

the thing is that i am a beginner in the whole DAW thing....

should i get fruity loops.... or cubase?

i suppose i could get..say FL for now...then always upgrade later...