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For some reason my monitors don't work sometimes. I have both monitors and speakers hooked up to my FireBox. Monitors into their respective outs and the speakers through the headphone jack. Sometimes I get no audio from my monitors but the speakers still work when activated. I try shutting them down and restarting them but that doesn't seem to work. I don't think it is the monitors though, I have the feeling that it is something FireBox/Software related. No settings have changed in the FireBox mixer app. It seems they are just temperamental. That or my computer is failing. Which it most likely is... v_v


dvdhawk Fri, 08/28/2009 - 20:30

Assuming it's not a setting in the software - I have to ask the next obvious question.

Are you sure you don't have a bad cable to the monitors?
What type of cables are you using out of the FireBox main outs & into the monitors (TS, TRS, XLR, RCA) ?
Have you experimented with swapping speakers and cables?
- or tried feeding them from an indendent source?

jg49 Sat, 08/29/2009 - 02:49

You were in the past monitoring using your computer speakers correct?
Then you finally got monitors and basically plugged them into the Firebox and got started, correct?
Back when you were using the computer speakers you must have changed/routed the output of either the DAW or the interface to go to the computer which is not the standard routing of most DAW/interface set ups. You need to find, mostly likely in your DAW, what ever setting is assigning priorty to your computer as being the output for sound as your volume settings on the computer should NOT affect the monitors.

jg49 Sat, 08/29/2009 - 10:37

Maybe there is a difference between Win and Mac and our DAW software. When you say in "your computer" are you referring to the OS or your DAW sound preferences. In Cubase the Firebox (Fire Studio Project in my case) is where my input/output is routed, in OS it is routed to my soundcard and not to the interface. If I am playing back something and I plug in headphones to my computer I hear nothing, the only way I get a signal is to plug into the interface itself.

Guitarfreak Sat, 08/29/2009 - 19:38

I think the problem is because I have one of those home studio thingies. As opposed to a studio studio, so it's not dedicated to record/mixing only. I am not referring to DAW preferences, those work fine, it was simple OS playback that was the problem in question. Think iTunes 8)

I select the output in the OS preferences but the problem is that the Mac OS allows the output to be attenuated before it is sent. For some reason this attenuation does not affect the headphone signal on the FB. Which makes no sense to me.