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to Jagher and other folks: templates for 02R/dsp factory

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Submitted by Alécio Costa on

As some folks asked, here I present basic but useful templates for the 02R/DSP factory plugins:

These pre-sets do go fine with tenor/soprano vocals. You need to tweak low and low mids when working with boomy baritone guys. Watch out for excessive sibilance. Mic placement and selection are important on here. I am also assuming you are tracking flat, with minimum to mid compression. These templates I use daily for mixing.

Basic EQ:


Q = 2.8 8 1.8 hishelving

Gain= +2 +1 +2.5 +2

F = 167 236 2.99k 5.2k


Basic Comp:

threshold: -15

attack: 26mS

ratio: 4:1

release: 331mS

Knee: 3

out gain: +4.5

Nice monday!

